Forest Sisters
A Monthly Nature Immersion for Girls:
Celebrating the Seasons, the Forest and Each Other
For girls 6 to 9 years
Facilitated by Taira Restar
On Fridays 10AM-5PM, accept December 20 (see below.)
Fall Series: September 27, October 25, November 22, 2024.
Winter Series: December 20 (Mother Daughter Beach Fire 4-8PM), January 24, February 28, 2025.
Spring Series: March 21, April 25, May 16, including Mother Daughter Ceremony 3-5PM, 2025.
Two participation options:
3 Fridays 10-5 per season $400.
1 Friday 10-5 + 2 Friday afternoons 3-5PM per season $240.
Cost includes materials; scholarships available at check-out.
About Forest Sisters
Our daylong Forest Sisters is an opportunity for nature-centered creativity and ceremony. It's a time for girls to gather together and to celebrate the seasons in their own meaningful ways--being led by their own interests and joys.
Our days will include:
Nature Connection–-nature walks, awareness activities, Sit Spot, nature explorations through play and naturalist skills.
Expressive Arts--place-based arts and crafts, creative writing, storytelling, movement, Nature Dance, ceremony.
Wellness Practices–-tending the inner landscape through mindfulness, communication skills, gratitude, kindness, kinship.
Taira's background is in multi-modal Expressive Arts Therapy and Education. Her approach is centered on Life Art Process. Each child can explore and experience in their own ways.
Our emphasis is on appreciation for and kinship with place--the specific trees, plants and creatures who are our neighbors. Artistic expressions and ceremony are considered acts of care and reciprocity.
Forest Sisters is a program of In Place (new local non-profit) in collaboration with Taira Restar & Emerald Heart Forest School. Scholarships available through In Place.
Food & Water
Parents provide water (or water bottle), lunch and snack. We will have extra drinking water.
Because we are outdoors in all weather, including rain, children dress in appropriate gear. Yes, if it's raining, we will meet. And have fun with water! . . . However, if there are high winds that are unsafe, we will cancel and you will be reimbursed.
Register here. You will be taken to our registration software. You will see one or more other classes that we offer. Make sure to click into Forest Sisters.