Did you ever read a story or quote or poem that is just right for you in that moment? It seems like it was meant just for you. The timing couldn't be more perfect. And you feel grateful or validated or inspired. And you put it in your heart pocket to keep.
That's what happened to me today. I came across this poem, which gives voice to my own hopes. It speaks to my Big Why. Which is why I have been working so hard this summer to prepare the new home base for my forest school. Geez Louise, I am lifting logs, shoveling sawdust (it's way heavier than it sounds), buying reclaimed doors and windows (never done that before) and all types of manual and mental labor. I'm super motivated. This poem gives voice to my voice. And if you are reading this now, just maybe it gives voice to your voice, too.
Deep bow to you, Nicolette Sowder, and all who are loving our precious planet through action.
Wilder Bond
May we raise children
who love the unloved
things – the dandelion, worms
Children who sense
the rose needs the thorn
run into rainswept days
the same way they
turn towards the sun.
And when they're grown & someone
has to speak for those who
have no voice
may they draw upon that
wilder bond, those days of
tending tender things
and be the ones.
-Nicolette Sowder