Seasonal Events
Come celebrate the seasons with us! We are hosting seasonal gatherings for free/ no cost.
Our time together is fairly informal and is focused on place-centered nature activities and relaxed time to socialize.
Held in rain or shine. If weather is severe, such as high winds, we will reschedule.
When & Where
Summer Gathering:
Sunday June 23--Solstice Gathering, 1:00 - 4:00PM, Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station, CA, no cost.
Autumn Gathering:​
These gatherings are for those who:
want to gather with community to honor the seasons.
are in need of a relaxed afternoon with community.
want to learn more about Emerald Heart and/or In Place nonprofit.
are Emerald Heart or Playgarden alumni. We love you. Please join us!
Open to everyone! No need to register. Just show up.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Our Summer Solstice Gathering
Let's usher in summer together!
We are happy to welcome you to our summer solstice gathering, which is a collaboration between In Place nonprofit and Dance Palace Community Center.
Check back here in late spring for more details. We are cooking up a wonderful afternoon! If you feel called to facilitate an activity or to support in some way, please reach out.
Gratitude & Land Acknowledgement
Thank you to In Place, a nonprofit for place-centered nature education, for providing us with funds to offer these community gatherings at no cost.
Emerald Heart Forest School is on the unceded lands of Coast Miwoks. We thank Coast Miwoks, past and present, for their care of these lands and waters.